Vegetarian/Vegan Sandwich! This delicious sandwich is inspired by Five Guys' vegetarian sandwich. It's simple to make and very tasty!
You will need:
A bun
1 green bell pepper
1/2 avocado
~10 grape tomatoes
1 large mushroom
~1/3 cup of onion
Your choice of condiments: I chose mustard
And I added cheese (but you can leave it off for a vegan)
To make it is so easy! Slice and cut up your pepper, onion, mushroom, and tomatoes the toss them in a pan with oil. Season with salt and pepper if you like. Then when it is done put it on your bun and add and condiments and the avocado. If you have cheese to add, the hot veggies should melt the cheese.
A tip: I don't like cooked tomatoes (the skin gets weird), so I put those in at the end just to let them heat up.
ENJOY this healthy and yummy sandwich!
A few days ago I purchased the Real Techniques complexion sponges and powder brush. Ulta was having a sale, buy one get one free, so I went in for one sponge and came out with 2 and a brush, for only around $12!! (plus it came with free samples yay!)
The sponge is like a Beauty Blender, but cheaper. I didn't want to fork out $20 for one sponge, not even knowing if I liked sponges yet. So, I went for the 2 pack of Real Techniques sponges for $10.99. I saw somewhere that you can use it wet, so your foundation doesn't just soak in, and that's what I did. I used Rimmel London's matte BB Cream with it. It's like a 9-in-1 foundation. I actually loved it! It put the make-up on my face much smoother than my hands usually do. When I use my hands I get streaks and it's not always even. This sponge spread the makeup quite evenly. What I also like about it is that it has a flat edge for around the eyes and nose, and a pointed end to help with blemishes. Highly recommended!
Now, the brush. I just got this because it was technically free. I was using a simple $3 E.L.F powder brush that I quite loved. This brush is very nice as well. It is well made, and looks nice. It isn't the softest brush in the world, but it does work really well. I like that is is rounded, versus flat like my E.L.F. brush. It apples my Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder evenly. It gets a thumbs up from me!